How To Create 20 Leads Per Day Using Article Marketing Strategies}

How To Create 20 Leads Per Day Using Article Marketing Strategies


Melanie Kok

Why can some online marketers can use any type of online marketing and get results? It is not complicated. They know the principles of what generates search engine traffic and utilize the same fundementals consistently.

Know this before you pick up your pen

These four fundementals are vital to understand before you begin writing your first article:

1. Relevant.Make sure your article is written for your target market. Your article should address the mlm company that you wish to target with your marketing. If not, visitors will realize you are not real and lose attention and so will the search engines.

2. Popularity.If more websites link to online content it is viewed and rated as popular. Content that has many incoming links will be more visible and viewers will vote it as popular – so will the search engines

3. Ooriginal and beneficial content.You have value to give and you have unique talents. Let you article exhibit that with original and unique content. Begin by writing about what you know and learn. The suggestion is, the content must be true, it must be unique for you and it must be constructive (if you do reviews)

4. Consistency.You will only get results with article marketing strategies if you are committed to be consistent. You cant differentiate yourself from the hordes of other internet marketers out there by writing one article. Write many. Commit to writing one a day.


Links will bring you traffic

You can write articles with the most important and useful content and you can do this very consistently everyday. Unless people can find your articles on the internet, you will be the only reader of your own articles and you will not be able to convert visitors to leads for your network marketing business. A good article not being read is a wonderful isolated tropical island in the middle of the ocean.

Bridges (links) to your content from as many places as possible will bring you visitors. More visitors mean more traffic.

Do the linking like this

* Link your account to social websites by using bookmarks

* Promote your content through video sharing networks like Youtube

* Promote your original article in a promotion article. Link the promotion article back to the original article on the blog Submit the promotion article to as many as possible article directories.

How to convert the blog traffic into leads

Links to your article will ensure your article is read by your target market. You have created traffic! The purpose of the traffic is to generate leads.

Traffic converted equals leads. You can only convert visitors to your article content to leads if there is a means to capture their information and transfer them to your list. Your original article must always link back to your lead capture page.

A 5 step summary to explosion in traffic

1. Create an original article

2. Submit the article to social bookmarking sites

3. Promote the article through networks where videos are shared

4. Promote your content by submitting a promotion article to article directories

5. Do this consistent for 100 days

Follow these steps consistently and you will be stunned at the leads and traffic you can create within 8 weeks. Apply these article marketing tips to your article marketing campaign and you will find your blog will become a buzz and a lead generation tool for your mlm business.

Melanie Kok is a Lead Generation Coach and a Online Marketing Strategist. These best

article marketing tips

is available on Melanie Kok’s Blog. You can learn exactly how to create thousands of visitors to your blog.Plus you can access a free article marketing webinar that shows you the step by step blueprint of how to generate 20000 visitors to your website within 8 weeks

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How To Create 20 Leads Per Day Using Article Marketing Strategies }